Pragmatic Steps Needed To Create Feasible Environment For Business Community, Haji Gulam Ali
In his keynote address on the occasion, as chief guest, Senator Akram Zaki congratulated the Society of Asian Civilizations, Preston University and NICS for organizing the international conference to commemorate the Decade of Civilization . He said the topic of the conference is of immense importance to the entire world as rapid changes were taking place on all fronts, and the West is making all out efforts to play a dominating role in every sphere. Incidentally, this institute has a unique location encircled by fountainheads of innovative ideas with high business potentials. It allows our students to not only nurture their business ideas while working with those enterprises that surround the IBHM. As managers of a business line, it will be trippymedshop to ignore the small parts while trying to build the “big picture”. To be both, a small picture efficient manager and a big picture visionary, one has to be in full possession of sound knowledge of all the sections of the organisati...